The 3 main reasons why you should keep your site up to date

11th Mar

Keeping on top of updating your site and renewing content can feel like a lot of effort. But we’ve outlined 3 big reasons why giving your site a change up every so often is worth it.

When starting anything new, it’s easy to start with good intentions about keeping up new habits regularly – like taking up new exercise or a new good habit. But it’s not always easy to keep ourselves motivated. This can be the same with websites – but we’ve collected some thoughts on why keeping your site up to date isn’t just good practice, but beneficial for gaining and retaining customers.

Below are 3 reasons in which you can keep your site up to date

Fresh Content for Retaining Customers

Old, out of date and incorrect information will lose trust and ultimately trust in your customers. New updates, a latest blog/news post, or even just an image change can show to customers you’re up to date and you’re on top of things. Updating with latest products and case studies also shows you’re always busy helping customers with similar needs.

Security Update for Protection

On a more technical note, there are important site updates that should be monitored regularly to make sure your sites are best protected from vulnerabilities and any personal data. The large majority of sites include multiple plug-ins which need to be regularly updated and monitored for bug fixes and performance enhancements. Hackers are often looking for vulnerabilities which they can exploit to take control of web sites. Despite the best endeavours of plugin authors, bugs can occasionally make into the Production code. It is these that hackers try to exploit.

Marketing for New and Old Customers

Changing your site often helps you push new promotions more effectively – if they have been static for a while, it won’t bring much attention to previous customers. Highlighting different products, or perhaps a more seasonal service is a simple but effective way of reaching both the old and new customer when they require your business the most.

At Redback Creations, within every contract we set up with a client, we discuss support hours to cover this ongoing work. As well as essential security updates to your site, our support hours are used for design changes, developments and content updates to your site.